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On Behalf of Sam II
This boat was built in 1934 by the Greavette Boat Co. of Gravenhurst, Ontario. Founded in 1930, the company struggled with an assembly-line model in the first three years (depression years). In 1933, Greavette re-organized and moved from stock to custom boat-building. The company also published an agreement with famed naval architect John Hacker for exclusive designs in Canada the same year. This boat is a "Commander" model with the "barrel-back" stern measuring 31'. The "grey hull" was remarkably intact given that it was neglected and in a barn for the last 50 years of its life. At one point this boat's restoration was undertaken by a previous owner with hopes of completing it, but it proved too daunting of an undertaking. Every plank, deck-strip, and 90% of hardware were intact, and documented cockpit layouts, hardware placement, and interior design. Much of the original wood has been used on non-structural components in the cockpits. It has been forensically restored with solid mahogany planks on white oak frames, in the original method with no modern plywoods or veneers. Decks are comprised of strips, fastened with screws and edge-nailed. Every aspect is period correct: deck seems are grouted, finish is clear varnish, authetic cloth-covered wiring, & mechanical rigging. Modern sealants are the only modernization from the paints and caulkings available in the 1930's. Allan & T.C. Weisberg commissioned this project in September 2022, and it will hit the water in June 2025.
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