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Kemah II


YEAR: 1934

Designed for Herb Ditchburn by Earl Barnes, this boat was sent to Alexandria Bay, NY, where she spent most of her life. Acquired from the original owners family in the early 1990's, Tim Aikenhead 

commissioned its restoration in 1994, and was completed in 1995. She won "Antique Boat of the Year" in Muskoka in 1995", and "Best in Class" in Lake Tahoe, California in 1996.


LENGTH: 25' 

After two bankruptcies, the Ditchburn Boat Co. was open to new ideas. This was one of them. Earl Barnes was paid to design a more modern, futuristic looking launch. It was hoped that this would lead to more orders, but unfortunately the intracacies of design proved too costly to produce on budget.



Re-built in the original fashion- mahogany planks on white oak ribs, but encapsulated against moisture penetration to ensure longevity. She also features book-matched decks, 'two-toned' stain contrasts, and yellow-tinted window glazing seems, all as was originally done. Now offered for sale at $200,000.

The Finished Product

The Work In Progress

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