The Duchess
YEAR: 1929
'Snegdoh' as she was formerly known was built for W.S. Hodgens of Dominion Securities in 1929 by Aud Duke of Duke Marine Service.
Duke built only 3 such launches, one sunk, and one burnt, making 'The Duchess' the sole survivor.
This boat came out of a boathouse somewhat floating, and in remarkably good shape. A new encapsulated plank bottom was applied, some woodwork here and there, but she emerged almost 100% original above the waterline, which a century on, is a rare thing these days.
Powered with her original 75 hp Kermath engine, she won 'Best of Class' at both Clayton and Muskoka Boatshows.
'The Duchess' was first saved by Jim Grand. Jim has had a hand in saving many Muskoka boats throughout the years and without stewards of history such as him, there would
undoubtedly be fewer wooden boats afloat today.