Zeegwun Animkee
YEAR: 2005
Dan Stock commissioned this 24-month project in 2004-2005. While his new cottage & boathouse were nearing completion on Stoney Lake in the Kawarthas, he decided he needed something special to house in the boathouse. He chose us based on reputation alone.
LENGTH: 26.5'
A few years earlier, Peter Breen had saved an original Ditchburn hull that was too deteriorated to save, but intact enough to act as a a mould to create a new boat from. 'Zeegwun Animkee', or 'Summer Thunder' in Ojibway, was among the first long-deck launches built in 70 years.
This boat features self-standing bucket seats, book-matched strip decking, solid bronze cast hardware, & a covered forward cock-pit. She was built in memory of Jerry Stock, 'a very special father who introduced a young boy to Stoney Lake, & the love of boating and cottage life.' It is now regularly used by the Stock family.